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Office Hour: 8:45am - 5:15pm

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ICDP Caregivers



The caregivers course is the heart of the ICDP programme. The caregivers meeting is a part of ICDP facilitator training.

The caregivers meeting can be conducted number of times in the community, schools, etc. once the facilitators are graduated and certified. The main aim of caregiver meeting is to improve the relation between caregivers and the children in their care.

For Whom:

Parents, caregivers or teachers and others working directly and indirectly with children.


Parents, caregivers or teachers working with children know that relating with them is not always an easy task. All want to do the best they can, but sometimes the efforts seem to have an opposite result of what was envisioned. Many question comes in the matters of Parenting or child rearing; What is a good way of guiding children so that they become “good people”, responsible adults? How can be improve and build quality relationship with Children?


- There will be 8 weekly / 2 hours meetings with parents/caregivers using the ICDP principles.
- Each week, the facilitators sensitize the caregivers step by step to interact with their children in a positive way.
- Like building a house from strong foundation through different dialogues to the roof top with good interacting.
- There will be minimum 12 to 20 caregivers in a group.
- Each week there is an assignment: the caregivers has to apply the principles learned with their own children / other children.
- At the next meeting the caregiver shares his or her experience in the relation with their child.
- The caregivers who has completed the 8 weekly meetings can received international ICDP caregivers’ certificate.
- ICDP caregivers meeting can be conducted only by certified ICDP facilitators in pairs.